Parcel Shipment

Parcel Shipment - Domestic & International

First Flight Canada offers Parcel Shipment to domestic locations across Canada and international destinations spread in over 5 continents in 200+ countries.

First Flight Canada sets a benchmark as one of the best courier services in Canada.

We make sure your important documents and precious items are handled with the utmost care from pickup to doorstep delivery.Get unmatched speed with accuracy that is reflective of our 15 + years of experience and expertise in the field with our parcel shipment services

Ship confidently within Canada, to the U.S. or internationally to India, with FFCL Couriers Inc. and enjoy the suite of customised shipping solutions.

Do more with FFCL Parcel Services:

  • Express Shipping for time-sensitive couriers
  • Wide Global Coverage Across Pin codes
  • Reliable on-ground support
  • Economical rates
  • Assured Safety of packages
  • Real - Time Tracking Options

Time-sensitive shipments and SME business shipments receive special attention and we make sure you get the services on the terms you paid for.